Parent and school communication is a vital to the success of student achievement. Parents play an important role in providing support and building the confidence of their children. Parents are encouraged to create and utilize their personal MyBCPSOne account in order to stay up to date on the most current information regarding their child's progress.
We continue to monitor the lateness list of students for patterns of tardiness. Our first call is to you. If you are sending your children to school in time for them to arrive by 9:00 A.M., we need to know why they aren't at school by the bell. Continued tardiness to school may result in a Required Parent Conference.
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We remind all students that it is important to wear tennis shoes at school. While sandals and backless shoes may be fashionable, they are not safe here. Students not wearing tennis shoes are excluded from physical education class and outside recess. In the event of an emergency, backless shoes or sandals with heels can make it difficult for your child to evacuate the building quickly to evacuate and may hamper another’s ability to exit safely. Please save beach shoes for the pool.